
Fun Father’s Day Activities for the Family

Fun Father’s Day Activities for the Family

Father's Day is fast approaching, do you have a plan for how to spend the day? If not, here’s some fun ideas that include the whole family!

Time Outdoors

No matter what activities Dad likes, he probably loves at least a few that involve being outdoors. So, if the weather looks good where you live, round up the children and head outdoors for some fun! This can be as simple as going for a walk at a local city or state park, or as involved as outdoor games and camping. The important thing is that you all have a fun day together and create memories that you’ll all cherish for years to come.

If something indoors is more your style (or the weather is uncooperative), try a dad-themed movie marathon or a family game night where Dad gets to pick! You could even set up a blanket fort and camp indoors!

The Chef

If Dad loves to cook, a great way to spend part of Father’s Day is to get everyone involved in making his favorite meal! Even small children can help by stirring bowls and cutting up soft foods with a butterknife. So, set the kids up to have some fun in the kitchen or at the BBQ helping Dad make his favorite foods!

Dad Joke Contest!

If he is a master of dad jokes, then this one is sure to be a blast! Laugh and giggle the day away by competing to see who can come up with the best dad jokes as you all spend the day together. You can even have some sort of fun and goofy prize - like the winner gets to spray the losers with silly string or whip cream. Or perhaps the winner gets out of cleanup duty for the evening.

No matter what you plan to do, remember that any day you all spend together is a special day! So, go out, have fun, and enjoy each other’s company this Father’s Day!

p.s. If you don’t follow us on Facebook and Instagram, you should! We do giveaways for most upcoming weekly drops, and we usually post them soon after coming soon goes live! You could win anything from a free backpack or outfit to a gift card! This week’s prize is one of our backpacks with some fun surprise school supplies!


Girl with her Ridley Backpack - Sweet Cherries and matching lunch kit.


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